I'll be in Kingston in June for the summer so we will play again in the Catskills, Mohonk, and provide good time for our grandchildren, Pixley and Alana. Yesterday I realized that 2 grandmothers are exponentially better than 1 when Patti taught Pixley, who is 3 how to play Pinball on his mother's computer at the Be Sweet office. This is going to transform Pix's experience at momma's office forever. After only 5 minutes he was working the keys we marked to keep that ball up in the game space. Balls and ways to keep them up in the air are his passion.
Patti is the computer blogging, selling, ebay, etsy, incredible wiz. She is getting me up on the blog skills and I might even get some readers like you to check in frequently to help me enjoy my blogging even more. Having readers can be so fun. Please feel free to leave a comment.
Hope your day is filled with secure power feelings.