Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Solstice in Sausalito

Pictures of the home in which I am living in Sausalito. It is interesting to listen to WKZE from Red Hook, NY where there is diverse music, cold and snow and be here in a beautiful home overlooking San Francisco Bay. It is in the high 40's/50's here, quiet and serene as the long night and long shadows remind us that darkness is rather comforting. Our friend the Dark Madonna holds the energy of rebirth, nurturing, comfort in the nights and all is well. I am changing my engagement with the word peace to the concept of wellbeing no matter what is happening on the physical level. Are we sure we are not bored and looking for meaningful activity instead of just busyness? More writing from me is forthcoming.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Intend Simplify Balance

Keep up the good work I say and let yourself Intend what you want. Believe that what you want is happening. If your vision includes your town, your country, the earth, the universe, go ahead. It is the most important work/play you can do.

Second to that is simplification. I am reading the Laws of Simplification, Design, Technology, Business, Life, by John Maeda, the new president of my alma mater, Rhode Island School of Design. He is an artist, designer and was head of the MIT Media Lab. He speaks to the issues facing us as a country and as a planet...... reduce, organize, time, learn, differences, context, emotion, trust, failure, the One, (subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful).

I particularly like the wave illustration on page 46. He notes that complexity and simplicity are rhythmic, balanced, not steadily gaining or loosing.

The wave demonstrates that as we simplify our lives, our rampant consumerism can become controlled. We can balance our lives so that we honor that which is important to life.... air, water, earth, health, children, beauty, honor, integrity, authenticity, connection, love, serenity, friendship, and we will not miss the stuff that we let slip away..... Start with, "I intend to.....love myself more." good place to start... Bardet

Friday, October 17, 2008

For Elliot

Some people are just in your mind.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Accepting Love

Here I am now, living in Kingston, New York. Just a few miles away the Catskill mountains lounge serenely waiting for snow to nuzzle them. And in another direction, the Shawangunk mountains are, in their purity, holding the energy of the original lay of the land when natives were here. I have fully given over to making and creating and quiet contemplation. In the past few weeks I put away many pears from my tree, some in jars for jam, gorgeous red peppers, and have mucho chicken stock frozen, waiting for cold winter evenings to warm up the insides.

All in all the fall has been a beauty so far and more to come. The dancing here is outrageously good with local venues attracting a night crowd of experienced dancers who are dedicated to twirling and stepping to the rhythms of zydeco, my favorite, waltz, contra, salsa, west and east coast swing, country and western, English country, squares and of course I am still doing African here with Pam and Mimo and several drummers.

And what's all this about accepting love? It came to me today that so many of us are surrounded by it and don't even know it and don't let it in even when it comes and hits us upside the head. Well, not literally, but the feeling of love is always in the air and I just think that if one is interested it is good to start by opening up and feeling it inside and all around and hold onto that feeling and it will permeate and become value added -- a treasure that we have been wanting for a long time. A longing that consumerism has not been able to satisfy. So I for one am going to open up and accept that feeling of love and see what happens, become permeable. It might be the only true antidote for fear. It's gonna be good.
These photos are from this summer at the Ashokan Reservoir which is surrounded by the Catskills and of Doug and his beautiful sculptural property in Vermont with dear Pixley.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Love and Deliberate Creativition

OK. Here I am. Right next to the Hudson River. With the gourmet songs of swingin tunes from the birds who love the pleasures of living in trees of the Mid-Hudson Valley. And they get to fly!
I have to hire pilots and waiters to sweep me across the country. Flying at 879 miles per hour at 38,000 feet in -58 degree weather, I sit with my window seat and my computer map of the route from San Francisco to Atlanta. A new route for me this time.
Life in the Bay area is 8+ hours away, but I will show you some excerpts from my life there including macro and micro views. Considered a lifelong learning experience, life in the Aquarian era has some necessary ingredients; hope, beauty, making art, love, creativity, but especially the practice of Deliberate Creation.
What is that?
Just for a minute imagine this.
You are in complete control of your life. The way things work out, the people you meet, the lovers you have, the flowers you grow, the health you have, are all in your control. Good. You did it.
Now, all you have to do is match your vibratory emissions with the vibrations of that which you are wanting to live with, have, enjoy and be. It is the law of the Universe that you are always creating. So why not create what you want, instead of just wishing for it?
For example, suppose you want to feel more love. You begin by surrounding yourself with love, the kind of love you want. And that is probably unconditional, pure, sweet love. Appreciate the love. Appreciate the loving kindness of anyone who is kind and loving to you. Appreciate yourself for being willing to step out of the norm and experience more love. Appreciate your ability to create circumstances which present more love to you. Think love, drink love, spread love on your toast, read about love, talk about love. Write a love story with you as the main character who finds love. Get involved in the love. Look around for loving environments and appreciate them. Let the other places drift away. Let the judgemental people drift away. Let the storms miss you. Next thing you know you will have to keep a journal about how much love you have in your life.
This is deliberate creation.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Crystalheart Dolls

My daughter left home at age 16 in 1990 and I began making dolls. They were like more children to me, for I greatly missed my daughter. I have been keeping the dolls under my bed where they have been waiting for a long time to tell their stories. 2008 has been a year of soul searching for me, deciding what I want to create next in my life. I keep coming back to the Crystalheart Dolls. Now is a good time for the story telling to begin.

Here are some pictures of the Crystalheart Dolls. When you get to know them, you will see how sweet they are and how dedicated they are to sharing their joy and goodness with friends, family and people they meet. Mainly they want to tell stories of how anyone of any age can use their own friendly hearts, thoughts and and actions to create goodness, beauty and happiness for themselves and others around them. The Crystalhearts know that life is fun and filled with joy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

in spirit ation

sometimes the music is so good, you can't go to bed. The Be Sweet team drove to Long Beach last week for the The National Needle Arts trade show and are grateful for good business and successful returning.

On the 26th I will be showing my 12 Stones Necklaces at the San Francisco Gift Show. You will find me in Handmade at booth 6428 with some new pieces that are casual and fun and begging to be worn. I will get some photos of them up soon. I am having fun doing some new pieces in a lower price point than usual.

Hope you like the poem and the pictures of the bay and the December mooooon. Keep smiling!
An Attempt to Express the Beauty of the Full Moon Rising Between Larkspur and Angel Island Shining on the Bay at Solstice 2007
(One of My Last Nights At the Portofino)

Imagine the deepening
Darkness blueviolette glow
Brilliant sphere of honey gold
Calls to you from millions of light
Years into the outer depths

It flows directly to you
Undulating over the precious liquids
That have collected here in this basin
The depths hidden below
In the land of the dancing stuff
Unseen depths, unsung stories

These bloodwaters are shared
Pacific Ocean, Oakland Estuary, Richardson Bay
Alive and well and heaving now to the music
Of us all who help everything
Keep moving, jumping swaying, restless
And expanding, alive

No skepticism plagues this beam
She soothes me, excites me
I savor her
I want to lick her and let her know
Just what pleasure she emits
By simply her dance on the surface
Her waving thighs
Her thousands of arms reaching, reaching, reaching
For more and more

Expectantly reaching for her next moment
Her connection, her next embrace
The kiss she will feel on her lips
And her deepest undulates underneath
Below the surface
So sweet, so slow
The essence of moisture, giving life to all that is
Her waters slipping,
Sliding over one another
Spilling hope

Oh! The ferry!
He comes, sliding through her face
He stirs her golden palette
He glides gently, piercing her radiance
Stirring more and more enjoyment
Her purpose for being
Her agitation a song of purest pleasure
She loves him as she rises
And he drifts onward, away
Onward, seeking the thrills of the city