Thursday, October 23, 2008

Intend Simplify Balance

Keep up the good work I say and let yourself Intend what you want. Believe that what you want is happening. If your vision includes your town, your country, the earth, the universe, go ahead. It is the most important work/play you can do.

Second to that is simplification. I am reading the Laws of Simplification, Design, Technology, Business, Life, by John Maeda, the new president of my alma mater, Rhode Island School of Design. He is an artist, designer and was head of the MIT Media Lab. He speaks to the issues facing us as a country and as a planet...... reduce, organize, time, learn, differences, context, emotion, trust, failure, the One, (subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful).

I particularly like the wave illustration on page 46. He notes that complexity and simplicity are rhythmic, balanced, not steadily gaining or loosing.

The wave demonstrates that as we simplify our lives, our rampant consumerism can become controlled. We can balance our lives so that we honor that which is important to life.... air, water, earth, health, children, beauty, honor, integrity, authenticity, connection, love, serenity, friendship, and we will not miss the stuff that we let slip away..... Start with, "I intend myself more." good place to start... Bardet

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