Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June in Sausalito

If the North American continent was a scale and New York and California were the pans hanging off the arms of the scale, then in the past 5 years, my scale would have tipped toward the left coast and then the right coast. Back and forth across the country I have flown, photographing the Philly shipyards, the top of the Rocky Mountains, Lake Tahoe, the grassy Green Valley, the far off Pikes Peak, Canyonlands in Utah, ski slopes, colorful salt flats, rivers, countless fields and farms, hills and valleys and the blinking twinkling lights of cities and towns, curved streets, amazing tall buildings and then there is Atlanta with its all-white houses.

All these I see from the window seat that helps me devour like a hungry fish, the scenery of the United States from the air.

Here are some pics from anywhere 1000 to 37,000 feet above the ground......
north of SF Bay, Salt Flats So of SF, Golden GAte Bridge, Canyonlands, Utah, somewhere in the midwest..... more later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am an artist looking for photos of fabric in the wind. You are the the best Fabric in the Wind, I've found. :-) I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and seeing your photos.
I will go fabric shopping tomorrow and take my own photos, but will let you know when I post my painting of fabric in the wind. Best regards,