This is a blog about the art and design that I have done here in California.
One is a hat design for Be Sweet made with Bambino yarn. Doing a workshop Feb 22 at Bluebird Yarn in Sausalito around making the hat. Like my cute model?
Two is the design I did for TNNA (the National Needle Arts Association) trade show for the Be Sweet booth to show off the San Francisco coat pattern I designed last year. How do you like the gold skirt?
Three is a wall quilt that I did as a commission for a wonderful family in Mill Valley. It is done with silks and satins with ink jet print photos of Mt Tamalpais, the goddess mountain protecting Marin County from the riotess Pacific Ocean. Better photos will be posted in a month.
Four is a photo from the Chinese New Year Parade that we attended last weekend. Of course this is the famous and exciting dragon. Imagine cacaphonous fireworks, thousands of happy onlookers all over the streets of downtown SF and candy candy candy for all. It was so fun.
Five is just one of the many photos of the cherished children I know here, my wonderful friends who love me and trust me to take care of them, laugh with them, feed them and get to know them as the amazing people who they are.