CAREducation is what I call what I do here with the wonderful little people of Marin. I love to be with them and we always spend mucho time laughing, eating, playing, doing art, singing, dancing and watching for all the beautiful animals, flowers, trees and people who live nearby. As a grandmother it is easy to enjoy being with these enlightened beings and guiding their footsteps into the light of conscious living. I am working on a small book describing CAREducation principles. Stay tuned!
10 years ago
hi your blog. Very beautiful and inspiring. I'm going to create LOVE just like you suggested. I'll be swimming in it, and rolling in it and working in it! I'm having a great time with the yoga challenge...breakthroughs and enlightenment! much love...I'll miss you when you go back east!
hi your blog...beautiful and inspiring...I'm going to create LLLOooOOVVVEE!!!
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