I made her do it. It was all melted in my back pack and I did not care if I got it all over me and I convinced Sandy she did not care either. So we licked it and got chocolat all over. It was fun to be little girls again on a walk in the sun in the early spring.
The next photos are portraits of my new sweet friends, the 350 sprouting seedlings I have in my greenhouse. We are talking heirloom purple tomatoes, arugula, morning glories, mesclun, califlowers, brocs and manymore. They are quite a crew. Outgrowing their cradles and demanding bigger peat pots. They teach me so much about being an individual. Some sprout up overnight. Some take days and days and days. Some like it cool and some love it hot. Maybe they are just reflecting my many moods.... And the laughing daffodils. With shining faces, looking at the garden and I swear they sing. They have asked if I can get them into the Agape International Choir. Since I want to do that too, maybe we will all ship ourselves out to Culver City (city of Los Angeles).
Last night I thought about what I would pray for if I decided to pray. I answered myself "I would pray to hear the voice of God in my head like I used to. To have a closer relationship with God within". Deciding not to venture out to dance, I laid on the couch with the summer type breezes caressing me and I heard, "I AM HERE". I AM HERE. And it was here and is here and everywhere all at once, loving me and loving each one of us. To feel this is a gift of a prayer - a sweet sincere prayer on a sweet saturday night. May everyone who reads this be open to this sweetness; chocolat, singing plants, friends walking and the peace of feeling God's presence.
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