10 years ago
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Agape Center, a Sanctuary for Life-Minded Creatives
High Falls,
Hudson Valley,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
New York Chocolat Other Sweets
I made her do it. It was all melted in my back pack and I did not care if I got it all over me and I convinced Sandy she did not care either. So we licked it and got chocolat all over. It was fun to be little girls again on a walk in the sun in the early spring.
The next photos are portraits of my new sweet friends, the 350 sprouting seedlings I have in my greenhouse. We are talking heirloom purple tomatoes, arugula, morning glories, mesclun, califlowers, brocs and manymore. They are quite a crew. Outgrowing their cradles and demanding bigger peat pots. They teach me so much about being an individual. Some sprout up overnight. Some take days and days and days. Some like it cool and some love it hot. Maybe they are just reflecting my many moods.... And the laughing daffodils. With shining faces, looking at the garden and I swear they sing. They have asked if I can get them into the Agape International Choir. Since I want to do that too, maybe we will all ship ourselves out to Culver City (city of Los Angeles).
Last night I thought about what I would pray for if I decided to pray. I answered myself "I would pray to hear the voice of God in my head like I used to. To have a closer relationship with God within". Deciding not to venture out to dance, I laid on the couch with the summer type breezes caressing me and I heard, "I AM HERE". I AM HERE. And it was here and is here and everywhere all at once, loving me and loving each one of us. To feel this is a gift of a prayer - a sweet sincere prayer on a sweet saturday night. May everyone who reads this be open to this sweetness; chocolat, singing plants, friends walking and the peace of feeling God's presence.
Catskill mountains,
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Clothes Line Heaven

Why go to all this trouble???????????????????? As the British magazine, Selvedge says, if we all hung our clothes on the line, do you realize HOW MUCH ELECTRIC WE WOULD SAVE? ENORMOUS AMOUNTS!! DRYERS TAKE UP HUGE AMOUNTS OF ENERGY. THINK ABOUT IT. HEAT AND SWIRLING TUMBLER.
But the BEST part about the clothes line is that you first of all get to be outside in the air while accomplishing something. Secondly, you are creating art. Fabric in the Wind can be so beeeutiful and you can watch your clothing and linens float themselves dry. (they like it so much more than a dark hot dryer). Third is when you get them inside and sleep with them, you can not believe where that delicious scent came from. I still can not, after a lifetime of hanging out the laundry, figure how they pick up that amazing fresh scent. Unlike that horrible stuff that they put in all those detergents now that assure that everyone knows you haven't a clue about environmentalism if you smell like them. Anyway. try a clothes line. I am on a campaign. If you need help, let me know. I will help you solve problems. I have always had a clothesline, Colorado, Poughkeepsie, Sausalito, Williams Lake.... Celebrate Spring with a new clothes line.
This photo is Aquaria in one of my gardens from the past. Carol took the photo.
fresh scent,
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Utopian weekend, Flurry of dancing, singing, & music
These are pictures from the Flurry in Saratoga Springs, NY which happens every President's Day weekend. You would love it if you like smiling, dancing, music, happy people, all ages, spinning around and getting high, no drugs, no alcohol, no ego!!!! Not one person spent a lot of money on an outfit to wear to this thing!
4000 plus people gather for something like 800 different events of all the above including the HUGE contra dance you see in the photo. Imagine. Dancers from 2 to at least 80's if not older. So many young (teens, 20's, etc) and young feeling people are here that you feel you have gone to heaven because everyone is happy. My fave was a French Circle Dancing from the 16th century which had us jumping up on a beat. It was called something like popping peas. Quite esoteric.
The other pics are about the teens, the children, the English Country dance and one of Bill Vanaver sitting around practicing with friend.
Think about joining next year. Oh yes, the pic of me is my new crazy collar knitting pattern. It uses all your leftover yarn.
saratoga springs
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June in Sausalito
If the North American continent was a scale and New York and California were the pans hanging off the arms of the scale, then in the past 5 years, my scale would have tipped toward the left coast and then the right coast. Back and forth across the country I have flown, photographing the Philly shipyards, the top of the Rocky Mountains, Lake Tahoe, the grassy Green Valley, the far off Pikes Peak, Canyonlands in Utah, ski slopes, colorful salt flats, rivers, countless fields and farms, hills and valleys and the blinking twinkling lights of cities and towns, curved streets, amazing tall buildings and then there is Atlanta with its all-white houses.
All these I see from the window seat that helps me devour like a hungry fish, the scenery of the United States from the air.
Here are some pics from anywhere 1000 to 37,000 feet above the ground......
north of SF Bay, Salt Flats So of SF, Golden GAte Bridge, Canyonlands, Utah, somewhere in the midwest..... more later!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
CAREducation is what I call what I do here with the wonderful little people of Marin. I love to be with them and we always spend mucho time laughing, eating, playing, doing art, singing, dancing and watching for all the beautiful animals, flowers, trees and people who live nearby. As a grandmother it is easy to enjoy being with these enlightened beings and guiding their footsteps into the light of conscious living. I am working on a small book describing CAREducation principles. Stay tuned!
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